Profiling Performance
Employees are the most valuable asset in almost every business organization. Effective Talent management, hiring for job fit, performance management and targeted leadership development will allow you to retain and develop top performers in your company. The use of valid behavioral assessment tools at any stage of an employees’ tenure helps company leaders ensure that they have the right employees in the right places within the organization.
Integrating behavioral assessments into a talent management program allows managers to:
Make better hires
Reduce turnover
Improve performance
Increase sales
Build Stronger Teams
Improve employee training and development programs
Align staff strategically
Create insightful succession plans
Whatever your need for Human Resource assessments we offer a variety of effective workplace-tested instruments your business can use with confidence. Let us become your assessment partner.
As a strategic business partner with Profiles International our customers can join more than 40,000 other companies that already use Profiles assessments while enjoying the advantage of access to hands on customized solutions. Croke-Schoenherr guides companies in the positioning their human capital where it pays the greatest rewards… in productivity… in lowering stress, tension, and conflict… in creating more effective communication… and in motivating significant, measurable, bottom line growth. By working closely with our clients we are able to provide solutions at appropriate points in the hiring-employment lifecycle for maximum value. Hiring Coaching & Managing Performance Succession Planning
& Leadership Development
Step One Survey II
Customer Service Profile Profile Sales Indication Profile X7 Customer Service Profile Profile XT Profiles Team Analysis Profiles Performance Indicator Checkpoint 360 Skillbuilder Profile XT Profile Team Analysis Checkpoint 360 Skillbuilder
A study in the Harvard Business Review revealed job-matching to be the most important indicator of successful performance...”person who have been matched, out performed, to a statistically significant degree, than those who had not been matched.” - Greenberg and Greenberg, Harvard Business Review, vol. 58 no. 5
Croke-Schoenherr guides companies in talent management by creating a sound and thorough hiring process designed to provide insight into the WHOLE PERSON you are considering as an employee or teammate.
Interviewing alone allows for a 1 in 7 chance that you will make a good hire. If you are using traditional selection methods alone to hire you are drastically reducing the likely hood of hiring successful performers.
Succession Planning/Staff Alignment
Understanding who you have on staff and knowing their hidden strengths and weaknesses is the key to effectively aligning your staff to extract the highest productivity possible and selecting future leaders.
By using a valid cognitive and behavioral assessment tool with a job matching component such as the Profile XT to understand potential capabilities or a multi rater feedback tool like the Checkpoint 360 business owners and managers get an insiders perspective of the players’ strengths and weaknesses and make better staff alignment decisions.
Performance Management
The only truly effective method of managing diverse employees is to look at each one as an individual and to understand what motivates them. Then, coach them regularly to get the behavior you want.
The Profiles Performance Indicator™ measures the behavior of individuals and the impact of their actions on your organization's success. The Customer Service Profile and the Profile XT offer Job Matching based on the unique qualities needed to make a player successful with your company in your jobs. The Profiles Team Analysis identifies strengths as part of a group and helps leaders build strong teams with comprehensive abilities.
All of these tools offer coaching guidance based on the individual’s unique characteristics.