Thursday, April 12, 2018


these are the text messages from today's show on Homelessness.

the crime is there are so many more now . Trinidad has homeless on every corner, it's creepy! crime is up,robberies..thank you pot.. Karl in Walsenburg
Richard: LA Times story couple days ago: Los Angeles county program to put small houses in peoples backyards for homeless people! Will be here soon I bet. Regards Listener dave
Richard Randall, this is Mike Schmidt, (CoSpgs Native, Small Businessman, CEO of Ensemble Ventures, and Dir of Business Dev for Tiny Home Industry Association.
Would like to call in on your show this morning regarding homelessness, and some possible creative options for developing Tiny Home CLUSTER Communities...
I have been working on a model for the past 3 years, have spoken to city officials, the County Commissioners, local aid agencies, veterans groups etc.
I think your listeners might be interested in knowing that we could put together some "Affordable and Obtainable Housing" Test Pilots to solve these challenges.
Wanted to see if there was a line I can call in on because I might not be able to make it through the call board in time before your show ends at 10am.
We also have the potential to use ADU zoning model, (Auxiliary Dwelling Units) to expand the number of housing alternatives, but we need some "waivers" applied.
The solution to the homeless issue is for those who complain about how local authorities are harassing the homeless, is for those people to let a homeless person set up camp on their property /back yard where they cannot be harassed. Problem solved.
I believe the latest count is 5 sexually violent predators listed as homeless in the city.
If repubs loose the midterms it will be because they failed to do anything with their majority. They are banking on voters overlooking everything to keep a Dem from getting their house seat. Too many never Trumpers in Congress.
The lady who wishes she had a store doesn't need one. She can let them use her home.
Jesus said we would always have the poor among us when Judas got bent out of shape with the woman using expensive oils to anoint Him.
You cannot force mental health treatment on a person. Most refuse or stop treatment on their own. Poor cortisone with cancer.
And what is the woman doing now or did she stop
There is a difference between helping and enabling. You want to help, but those critical of you want to enable.
My husband and I used to take our 4 children every Thanksgiving and Christmas for many years to feed the homeless. Our overall experience was that these people did not want to enter society and they were often even rude and ungrateful about what was being offered to them.
i LOVE tiny homes. are they a solution for homeless or for the woman who was on the streets because of divorce etc.
What?... american hates poor americans.... bad Richard.. you not only hate immigrants... you also hate american vets homeless... and you say you are Christian? And Vet supporters.... what a radio listeners homeless and immigrants phobics!!!
 We need to make sure that the city puts zoning measures in place to insure that a place like the free shower and bathroom thing cant exist in a business district. I am a business owner in old colorado City and the effect that Westside Cares and the vagrants has had on business and the community is devastating. The shelters have only been at capacity twice through the winter and they offer all of those services. Prefer to remain anonymous Thanks!!
 (1/2) Per Dana, it's always society's fault. You can give homeless all the resources available and they still wouldn't get help because they don't want it. I would NEVER go to her coffee shop. 9:21 AM
When is that idiotic man-child in the white house that you trailer park people idolize so much going to learn to shut his moronic mouth?
So Richard in your Infinite Wisdom what exactly do we do with the homeless just kill them all just get rid of them wipe them out that's sure is one typical hypocritical Christian attitude that you have I've never met a Christian it didn't care about anything but himself and you fit the same old so please give us the answer you know so much and you claim to be such a big-time lawyer give us the answer Richard
You say "MARE", like a horse. The word is pronounced MAY-OR!
Jesus was a carpenter, he had a job. When questioned by the pharisees about taxes, He told them to render unto ceasar what is ceasar's. Can't do that if you don't have a job. Jesus healed several cripeles/sick and those with mental issues. He told them to get up, and get on their way, and sin no more. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says " you don't work, you don't eat." That's what Jesus would do and said, along with the apostle Paul.
Piggy backing off the WWJD, the Apostle Paul in 2 Thes 3: 6 - 14 suggests if you don't work you don't eat. How has the liberals overlooked these instructions? Paul of the Springs.
There was a story on Saturday on Jeff Cranks show about Richard Skorman. I haven't heard anything about it this week. Was it a bogus story?  
FBI should be renamed Federal Brownshirts of Investigation.
Downers Grove, IL
Can we please get Southwest Airlines???