Republican Gov. candidate Dan Maes was a guest on The Richard Randall Show on Monday and will be back again on Tuesday. He was asked a lengthy, detailed question at the very end of the show and there simply wasn't enough time in the show to allow him to answer, so I will have him back on the show to answer that question and take more calls.
I have ALWAYS instructed Anne Boswell that it is perfectly OK for supporters of other candidates, and even campaign managers or candidates to call in with questions for a guest. This has happened a number of times in the past and I am fine with it. I don't allow one candidate to call another and turn it into a debate, but one question, just like other callers, that's fine. As a matter of fairness I expect the caller to identify themselves as a candidate or campaign worker if that is the case. If the question is.... "Richard isn't there something wrong with Sallie Clark calling in with a question for Dan Maes?" Nope. I have no problems with it, in fact I think it is interesting. I was accused of it being a "setup". It was not. Until I saw the name Sally (that is how it was spelled) on my computer screen I had no idea who was calling. Until I heard her voice I didn't know it was Sallie Clark. She was given no advance warning or preference in calling. At the same time there would be no problem with a supporter, campaign worker, or even Dan Maes calling in with a question for Scott McInnis. I DO NOT endorse candidates. I give them a fair and equal chance and let the voters decide.
This is from his website, to give you a headsup on where he stands on the issues.
How Would Dan Have Voted?
Faster Legislation (Higher Veh. Registration Fees) - No
Retain Death Penalty - Yes
In-state Tuition for Illegal Immigrants - No
In-state Tuition for Veterans - Yes
Tougher Petitioning Policy - No
Death Penalty for Sex Offenders - No
Unionizing State Employees - No
Tougher Oil and Gas Regs - No
What will I do as Governor?
First and foremost, I want to serve the needs of the citizens of Colorado as your employee. Servant leadership is a goal to be aspired to and I will strive toward it daily. We are a diverse state and I will do my best to address the needs of as many as possible while honoring my traditional, conservative positions. It is time to unify our states diversity via respect for one another and the ability to agree to disagree when required. With that said, here are my priorities.
1. Reverse the executive orders that created the state employees union, and funding for Planned Parenthood.
2. Initiate efficiencies in the area of FTE counts thus reducing the size of state government freeing up funds for other priorities.
3. Restructure the content of the COGCC and work toward a more energy friendly regulatory environment in order to drive tax revenue to its highest in the state’s history while encouraging new energy models.
4. Support the reversal of FASTER legislation, and property tax increases.
5. Identify areas for program consolidation or elimination including commissions that duplicate the purpose of an executive’s responsibility.
6. Reduce the personal income tax to a level 4.5% by 2012.
7. Give tax incentives to all small businesses that hire at least 1 new employee in 2011.
8. Set the goal of a 5% unemployment rate by the end of 2013.
9. Initiate a new era of stricter enforcement of exisiting legislation and state laws including those covering vehicle registration, drivers licenses, DUI, and illegal immigration.
10. Limit new legislation to 3 bills per member of the assembly.
11. Select judges that interpret and apply exisiting law as per the state constitution rather than participating in judicial policy making.
12. Support choice in education including home, charter, public and private options. Work for a tax credit for those who choose home or private schools.