ProTeam Roofing Staff
The ProTeam Roofing and Restoration Team
Robert Parlett, Owner
Bob was born in Alaska and raised on a dairy farm in Michigan. He joined the Army in 1986 and served 10.5 years. While serving he did a tour in Germany and Served in operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Upon leaving the Army he moved to Long Island New-York where he started his own construction Company building houses. Bob moved one last time to Calhan Colorado in 2004. He enjoys Hunting and Fishing and raising cattle. He currently serves as a Deacon and Trustee for the Cowboy Church of Peyton and is also active in the Homes for our Troops organization which builds specially adapted homes for severely injured veterans. Learn more about Homes for Our Troops here.
Reach Bob at:
Office: 719-574-3535
Cell: 719-339-9127
E-mail: bparlett@proteamroofing.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Chris Justice, Owner
Chris was born and raised in the greater Chicago area. One of six children, Chris grew up working in his family’s retail stores. In the 1980’s he worked in retail sales/sales management in Florida, where he perfected his tennis and golf games. Relocating in 1993 to Colorado Springs with his wife and child, Chris began building his career in the roofing industry, all while enjoying the great outdoors by hunting, fishing, and playing in the Colorado Men’s Senior Baseball League. So, with more than 15+ years practical roofing experience, first as production manager, then as sales manager, and finally as General Manager/COO, it was the right time to open ProTeam Roofing and Restoration. With experience, team work, and dedication success will surely follow.
Reach Chris at:
Office: 719-574-3535
Cell: 719-339-9128
E-mail: cjustice@proteamroofing.com
ProTeam co-owner, Bob Parlett, has been involved with a unique military relief organization called Homes for Our Troops. This organization assists severely injured Servicemen and Servicewomen and their immediate families by raising donations of money, building materials and professional labor and they coordinate the process of building a home that provides maximum freedom of movement and the ability to live more independently. The homes are given to the veterans they serve at no cost.
Please consider supporting this organization through your donations of money, labor or materials. To learn more go to HomesforOurTroops.org.