Thursday, November 29, 2012


The Bishop’s full name was Charles-Francois-Beinvenu Myriel. Hugo shares that in Myriel’s youth and early manhood, he had been a passionate and sometimes even violent man. “His universal tenderness was less an instinct of nature than the result of a strong conviction.” (52)
After the fighting in the Revolution and losing his wife to lung disease, Myriel becomes a priest. In 1804, Myriel was a cure in Brignolles. During this time, he had business that took him to Paris. While there he went to see the Cardinal. The Cardinal was Napoleon’s uncle.
When Napoleon saw the country priest staring at him he asked “Who is this good man looking at me?” Myriel replied “you are looking at a good man, and I at a great one. May we both be the better for it.” (2) Shortly after the incident, M. Myriel became the Bishop of Digne. It was in Digne that Valjean meets the saintly Bishop.
The Actions of the Bishop of Digne
When he moved to Digne, one of Myriel’s first actions revealed what kind of man he was. He discovered that the bishop’s palace was next door to a small hospital. He felt that it was wrong for the Bishop to live in a spacious palace when the patients were crammed closely together and immediately switched habitations with the hospital.
In addition to surrendering the Bishop’s palace, Myriel created a budget that lasted for his lifetime. Of the fifteen thousand livre budget, the Bishop reserved 1000 livre for personal and household expenses, the rest of the money was given to the poor and invalid.

Friday, October 19, 2012


SPORTSMEN'S RALLY WITH JEFF FOXWORTHY SATURDAY OCTOBER 20TH IN COLORADO SPRINGS SPORTSMEN'S RALLY SATURDAY OCTOBER 20TH Colorado Sportsmen, We need your help tomorrow. Come meet and support Jeff Foxworthy in Colorado Springs tomorrow morning, Saturday October 20, 2012. Mr. Foxworthy has been a big supporter of all conservation groups as well as the 2nd Ammendment and has been a powerful voice in protecting our right to hunt and fish. Jeff's appearance at this Victory Sportsmen Event is on behalf of Sportsmen for Romney. We need hundreds of sportsmen to attend this event. We know many of you are concerned about the decline of mule deer and elk herds and the expansion of wolves to Colorado. Attending this event is a great way for sportsmen to show they will fight to protect abundant wildlife and our right to hunt and fish in the great state of Colorado. Where: El Paso Victory Center, 1545 Vapor Trail, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916 When: Saturday October 20, 2012 -- 9:00 AM Reminder: Wear your hunter orange. Please forward this message to your friends and family. Ask them to attend this important 1-hour rally in support of Hunter's Rights and the 2nd Amendment. MAKE SURE YOU WEAR YOUR HUNTER ORANGE TO THE RALLY!

Some photos of me hunting with Brett Axton & Friends - Rocky Mountain Roosters.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


A rebuttal of AP Fact Checking By D’Sousa A few days ago the Associated Press ran a news article by reporter Beth Fouhy charging that my film “2016” contains serious factual errors. Remarkably, for a news article, the reporter didn’t bother to check with me or anyone else at the film. This was my first indication that something was deeply wrong with this article. Let’s look at the specific charges raised in the AP article. First, it claims that I “never mention the explosion of debt that occurred under Obama’s predecessor, Republican George Bush.” This is simply false. The film quotes former Comptroller David Walker saying that the national debt exploded under both George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The film shows a clear graphic depicting the actual debt increase under both presidents, so that the viewer can compare them. The simple truth is that Bush’s largest annual deficits were below $500 billion and Obama’s lowest annual deficit was above $1 trillion. So Bush was a big spender and Obama an even bigger spender. This is made crystal-clear in the film. Second, the AP article quotes me as saying that Obama has “done nothing” to prevent Iran from getting nuclear bombs. This is a deliberate misquotation. Actually in the film I recall a prediction that I made in my book The Roots of Obama’s Rage. The prediction was that Obama “would do nothing significant” to prevent Iran from getting nuclear bombs. By omitting the word “significant,” AP can then claim that Obama has taken some measures, including some modest sanctions, against Iran. But my point is that these measures are so weak that they cannot be expected to–and in fact haven’t–deterred the mullahs in the slightest. Third, the AP article “refutes” my contention that Obama is weirdly sympathetic to Muslim jihadis fighting against America by pointing out that Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden and has also approved drone strikes against Al Qaeda. My argument was based on the premise that Obama wants to close down Guantanamo and to extend constitutional rights to jihadis captured in Iraq and Afghanistan. I explained Obama’s peculiar position by saying that he views these jihadis as freedom fighters seeking to liberate their countries from American occupation. As Obama has made clear, he views Bin Laden and Al Qaeda quite differently, as international gangsters who go abroad to kill innocent people. So my argument about Obama is quite consistent with his actions against Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Fourth, the AP article claims that I misrepresent Obama’s position on the Falkland Islands. Not true. The British position on the Falklands is that the islands belong to the U.K. The Argentine position supports negotiations over the control of the islands. Despite the special relationship between America and Britain, and despite the fact that Republican and Democratic presidents have supported the British position, the Obama administration has switched sides and now supports the Argentine position calling for negotiations. This is reflected in resolutions passed by the Organization of American States and backed by the United States. Finally the AP article disputes the film’s claim that Obama removed a Winston Churchill bust from the Oval Office. The AP article takes its cue from a White House blog that initially attempted to deny this and obfuscate the issue by claiming possession of a second bust. This second bust was supposedly under repair but has now mysteriously surfaced. But none of this changes the fact that one of Obama’s first actions as president was to return the Oval Office bust of Churchill. Obama didn’t just want to relocate it, he wanted it given back to Britain. That bust now sits in the home of the British ambassador. The film explains Obama’s hostility to Churchill by noting that he was a champion of colonialism and ordered a crackdown on an anti-colonial rebellion in Kenya in which Obama’s father and grandfather were both detained. So we know what Obama did, and we know why he might have wanted to do it. As for the original White House blog, the White House has admitted its inaccuracy and apologized. So what’s going on here? Certainly it’s possible to debate the issues raised in the film. If AP wanted to commission a review or Oped article, that would be fine. But instead the news agency has published a crude and inaccurate attack masquerading as a news story. Evidently this fact-checking article required its own fact-checker. Perhaps AP can now regain some credibility in this matter by publishing an apology.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Home Front Cares benefit Today, Monday, Sept. 24th 9:00a to 9:00p at HuHot Mongolian Grill, Colorado Springs, CO HuHot Mongolian Grill 7790 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, Colorado (719) 598-4044 and HuHot Mongolian Grill Powers & Constitution Colorado Springs, Colorado (719) 598-4044 HuHot Mongolian Grill is trying to raise $25,000 for The Home Front Cares. They are donating 100% of sales to the non-profit. The Home Front Cares is a local non-profit that provides support for military family impacted by deployment in harms way. Over the past eight years, the organization has helped 1,900 families and contributed over $2 million in aid. About The Home Front Cares The mission of The Home Front Cares is to provide support for Colorado military families impacted by deployment in harm’s way. We offer emergency support to military personnel, their families, and veterans throughout the entire State of Colorado. Assistance may occur with utilities, adaptive housing/vehicle modification, resource referrals, costs associated with attending memorials and monetary support in the form of general assistance grants to assist with food, gas, rent, etc. To learn more about The Home Front Cares, visit the website at


You’re Invited to a Victory Rally with Paul Ryan and the Republican team     Wednesday, September 26, 2012   Doors Open 4:00 PM | Program Begins 6:00 PM    America the Beautiful Park   126 Cimino Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80903   For questions, contact us at: (720) 443-1517 or   ForImportant Campaign Updates:Text (CO) toGOMITT (466488)    Victory Rally with Paul Ryan in Colorado Springs When: September 26, 2012 - 6:00pm Where: Colorado Springs, CO America the Beautiful Park 126 Cimino Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 To RSVP please click here:

Friday, September 21, 2012


WHAT AN IMPRESSIVE LIST OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS!… First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner. First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in. First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States. First President to violate the War Powers Act. First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. First President to defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law. First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party, a violation of the U.S. Constitution. First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs. First President to recommend changing our National Anthem as it portrays and promotes violence and is warlike in its theme. First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer Breakfast and activities. First President to initiate a Cash for Clunkers Program to clean up exhaust that adds to global warming, then extended it because it was so popular — wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters. First President to bypass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat. First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions. First President to demand a company hand over $20 billion to one of his political appointees. First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space. First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present. First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it. First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases. First President to tell a major manufacturing company which state they are allowed to locate a factory in. First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN). First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago. First President to fire an inspector general of Americorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case. First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office. First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 90 to date. First President to pledge complete transparency while campaigning, then hide his medical, educational,and travel records. First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it. First President to go on multiple global ‘apology tours’. First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer. First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife. First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense. First President to repeat the Holy Qur’an and tells us that the early morning Islamic call to worship is the most beautiful sound on earth. Now it is up to us Freedom-loving Americans to see to it that he is voted out after his FIRST term. May God bless America again. Stay safe, and be aware of your surroundings..


The good folks at KWHS-TV51 passed this on to me. Looks like a GREAT event. Chuckwagon Association of the West Jamboree 2012 2 Day Music Festival When: September 24-25, 2012 Time: doors open 6:00pm runs from 7:00pm to 9:40pm Where: Colorado Springs Historic City Auditorium 221 East Kiowa Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Tickets: $25.00 The fire may have taken the ranch but it won't take our Western spirit. The Flying W Ranch is the proud host of the National Chuckwagon Jamboree this coming September. Join us and all the Chuckwagons within the association as we celebrate our 60th anniversary of Chuckwagon Dinners and Western Musical Entertainment at the National Historical Colorado Springs City Auditorium on Monday, September 24th and Tuesday, September 25th (located at 221 East Kiowa Street, Colorado Springs CO). The Chuckwagon Association of the West began over 50 years ago, when Russ and Marian Wolfe and several close friends started inviting tourists to their evening cattle roundups and serving them food at the Flying W Ranch in Colorado Springs. Invevitably, someone would pull out a guitar and sing old cowboy songs for the guests. Since then, there have been many “chuckwagon” style groups to spring up around the country. A small core of folks loyal to the original cattle drive spirit and the Association’s goal “to provide the highest level of quality and value in family entertainment and food” is still affiliated with the Flying W through the Chuckwagons of the West. Each year, the Chuckwagons of the West meet for a “jamboree”—a thank-you to loyal fans, and a time to swap stories and advice with other members. The Jamboree is held at a different Chuckwagon each year. Planning a tour? Company Picnic? Wedding? Reunion? or Graduation Dinner? Click here to recieve more information. Admission Pricing General Admission - $25.00 Please Note: Due to a lack of facilities we are unable to provide our Chuckwagon meal. We have reduced our ticket price from $35.00 to $25.00 and will have concessions available. Jamboree Timing The Flying W Ranch Jamboree operates for two nights throughout the month of September (September 24th and September 25th). Reservations can be made by calling 719-598-4000 or online at Please note: All reservations are precharge only and are nonrefundable. Doors Open: 6:00 pm 1st Show: 6:30 pm Break(1): 7:00 pm 2nd Show: 7:10 pm Break(2): 7:40 pm 3rd Show: 7:50 pm Break(3): 8:20 pm 4th Show: 8:30 pm Break(4): 9:00 pm 5th Show: 9:10 pm Ends: 9:40 pm Groups Performing Line Up for Monday, September 24, 2012: Flying W Wranglers Circle B Cowboys Bar D Wranglers Flying J Wranglers Bar J Wranglers Line Up for Tuesday, September 25, 2012: Circle B Cowboys Bar J Wranglers Flying J Wranglers Bar D Wranglers Flying W Wranglers Flying J Chuckwagon - NM Bar J Chuckwagon - WY Circle B Ranch - SD Bar D Chuckwagon - CO


A special thanks to all of the great international listeners who tune in to The Richard Randall Show and the blog. Pageviews from yesterday's show by Countries United States 383 United Kingdom 11 Germany 10 Austria 6 China 6 Philippines 6 Belgium 5 Israel 5 Canada 4 France 4


Mitt Romney will be in Pueblo next Monday at a campaign rally at the Weisbrod Aircraft Museum near the Pueblo Airport at noon. On sunday night he will be in south Jefferson County at a rally at D’Evelyn Junior and Senior High School, at 7 p.m. It will be the first time the Romney campaign has stopped in Colorado in more than seven weeks. During that time Obama has held seven rallies across the state.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I give you two incidents that insulted Christ & His followers. All of the people who are so willing to compromise the First Amendment rights of the made who made the video that upset Muslims were oddly silent when these two pieces of "art" were displayed and FUNDED by the N.E.A. hmmmmm PISS CHRIST Press Release: In response to the recent attack by Christian fundamentalists on Andres Serrano's Piss Christ, an artist (who wishes to preserve his anonymity) presents a work entitled The Resurrection of Piss Christ. The work will be available online at It is offered freely by the artist as a high-resolution image for comment, reuse, and repurposing as a rejection of Andres Serrano's profiteering from this emphatically real human conflict. Immersion (Piss Christ), a photograph taken by Andres Serrano in 1987, depicts a crucifix submerged in what Serrano has claimed to be his own urine. From the time of its first exhibition, it has created controversy; Serrano has regularly received death threats from Christian extremists and Piss Christ has been physically attacked on at least three occasions. The recent most attack in Avignon has ignited the press. Operating from the simple opposition of free speech and religious fundamentalism, reportage on Piss Christ has only served to fuel the conflict, replacing the damaged physical artwork with an inflammatory symbol which gains power with each repetition. The strife surrounding Piss Christ has clear beneficiaries: the media gain readership and advertising, fundamentalists mobilize their supporters, and Serrano gains both profit and fame. These parties have clear incentives to perpetuate conflict, and take full advantage. The reality of this conflict, however, has not solely affected Serrano or his work; rather, Piss Christ has resulted in death threats to gallery and museum staff entirely unconnected to its creator. Curators achieve no financial gain from this violence, and security guards no greater stature. The Resurrection of Piss Christ was created in response to first-hand accounts of the effects of these threats. In contrast to the reality of this danger to staff, The Resurrection of Piss Christ demonstrates the futility of the attack on the work itself: Though one print of Piss Christ has been damaged, the work as a whole has only increased in stature through its repetition as a media-image. The threat to Piss Christ is illusory, yet the discourse around it remains rooted in an age of objecthood. The "Monument Men" of the Second World War, who preserved Europe's art in the midst of wartime, are now replaced by bloggers; preservation is no longer a physical act but a social one. The Resurrection of Piss Christ, starting from the endpoint of this transition, offers itself as image first. Piss Christ is thereby renewed: it cannot be physically destroyed, and so is above violence; it cannot be physically sold, and so is above commerce; it cannot be attributed, and so is above personal fame or notoriety. Freely circulating on the Web, the artist intends it to experience eternal life through our communication. The artist admits that The Resurrection of Piss Christ only continues the discussion around Serrano's work. It furthers Serrano's fame and furthers the religious conflict around his work. Piss Christ offers two possibilities: react, and have your reaction become a tool of Serrano, or do nothing and allow ignorance and intolerance to breed. The artist has created The Resurrection of Piss Christ in the course of a search for a third path; the complicity of The Resurrection with a work it questions makes this third path conspicuous in its absence. NEWS Art Work Attacked in Colorado Museum [UPDATED] by Hrag Vartanian on October 8, 2010 28 A view of the controversial 12-panel lithograph by Enrique Chagoya, titled “The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals” (2004) (image via Kathleen Folden, 56, of Kalispell, Montana, has been charged with attacking an art work by California-based artist Enrique Chagoya with a crowbar while it was on display in the Loveland Museum Gallery in Loveland, Colorado. The 12-panel lithograph, according to the artist’s statement to FoxNews, depicts “no nudity, or genitals, or explicit sexual contact” and portrays “a dressed woman, a religious icon’s head, a man showing his tongue, and a skull of a Pope in the upper right corner of the controversial page.” Kathleen Folden is charged with the attack on Chagoya's lithograph (image via Critics of the work argue that it represents Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the son of God, as receiving oral sex from another man. FoxNews gives its own interpretation of the work and describes it as having “several images of Jesus, including one in which he appears to be receiving oral sex from a man as the word ‘orgasm’ appears beside Jesus’ head.” The attack took place last Wednesday at 4pm. Chagoya’s work is part of an 82-print exhibit by 10 artists who have worked with Colorado printer Bud Shark. “The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals” (2004), FoxNews says, has been the subject of protests this week, though critics have been vocal about their disdain for the work since the exhibition opened on September 11, 2010. The artist explains that “I did not make a picture of Christ. I used symbols as one would use words in a sentence to critique corruption of the sacred by religious institutions.” A police spokesman told FoxNews that the work has a tear in the panel with the depiction of Christ, though the Museum’s website explains that the damage was much more severe: The controversial artwork that was destroyed yesterday by a Montana woman is no longer on display at the Loveland Museum/Gallery. The remaining portions of the piece were removed by police shortly after the incident and are being kept as evidence. Photo of about 40 protesters outside the Loveland Museum on October 1, 2010. (photo by John Prieto/ The Denver Post) The Museum also says it will not replace the damaged print. The report also details the attack: Using a crowbar, she then broke the Plexiglas that protected the image and tore up the artwork. She cut herself in the process of doing so. FoxNews spoke to Chagoya who believes the incident attacked the First Amendment: “Should we as artists, or any free-thinking people, have to be subjected to fear of violent attacks for expressing our sincere concerns? I made a collage with a comic book and an illustration of a religious icon to express the corruption of something precious and spiritual … There is no nudity, or genitals, or explicit sexual contact shown in the image. There is a dressed woman, a religious icon’s head, a man showing his tongue, and a skull of a Pope in the upper right corner of the controversial page. I did not make a picture of Christ. I used symbols as one would use words in a sentence to critique corruption of the sacred by religious institutions.” Chaguya’s takes aim at a number of religious figures, including Muhammad, who is depicted here with prostitute pigs (via The chatter on the Museum’s Facebook page demonstrates how galvanizing the issue is as Museum supporters are chiming in to say how “atrocious” the incident is and how they are “sick and tired of the religious zealots cramming their baloney down [their] throats,” while critics are posting that it is “unconscionable that someone can produce a piece of art that places Jesus Christ in a position He would never have been in and it is applauded.” Christians seem to be the only ones objecting to the art work, though Chagoya’s work also includes other images that could be viewed as offensive, including an unveiled image of Mohammad kneeling in front of a bed topped by pigs dressed in a way associated with prostitutes. One right-wing blog, in what can be construed as an attempt to stoke the fires of Islamophobia, posted the Muslim image and wrote: Let’s see what the “hypocrites who deem it ok to demean Christian symbols” do now that Mohammed has been found consorting with Pig Hookers in the same exhibit. If Enrique Chagoya and the Loveland Museum thought they had problems before wait till the Muslim hordes pick up on this. There have been no reports of protests from Muslim groups. It’s obvious this man hasn’t even seen the art work he is protesting. (image via Denver Post) Remarkably, one of the protest signs being carried outside the Museum, and spotted by the Denver Post earlier this week, asks, “Would U Depict Mohommed [sic] In This Manner?” and a Letter to the Editor to the Denver Post displayed the same confusion and asks, “Would they dare to display the same work with Mohammed portrayed as Jesus has been?” The sign and letter suggests that many of the protesters are unaware of the realities of the art work they are protesting and are simply rallying behind an ideological cause based on second-hand knowledge. You can watch a local news report about the protests here. The Denver Post has an update on the attacker and they report: Folden, 56, targeted “The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals” for religious reasons, according to the arrest affidavit, released Thursday. Folden, arrested by Loveland police Wednesday afternoon at the Loveland Museum/Gallery, faces a felony charge of criminal mischief and a fine of up to $2,000. On Thursday, Folden made her first court appearance and a Larimer County magistrate judge granted her release on $350 bond. The money was posted by a person who asked to remain anonymous. The comments on this Denver Post story are notable in that they continue to parrot the false notion that the artist was only targeting Christianity and one commenter writes, “I wish they would have the guts to put up the same so called art of Mohamed [sic] and see what happens to it.” A view of a copy of the controversial lithograph, which is available through the George Adams Gallery and is listed on Artnet Tagged as: censorship, Colorado, Enrique Chagoya, Loveland Muse


Save the date... Friday, October 26th from 12 noon - 5 pm at Optom-Eyes


At long last a MSM article taking a look at Obama and his background. Should have been done years ago by ALL of the MSM. Here is a link


Barack Obama: The 50 facts you might not know Fifty things you might not know about Barack Obama FROM "THE TELEGRAPH" • He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics • He was known as "O'Bomber" at high school for his skill at basketball • His name means "one who is blessed" in Swahili • His favourite meal is wife Michelle's shrimp linguini • He won a Grammy in 2006 for the audio version of his memoir, Dreams From My Father • He is left-handed – the sixth post-war president to be left-handed • He has read every Harry Potter book • He owns a set of red boxing gloves autographed by Muhammad Ali • He worked in a Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop as a teenager and now can't stand ice cream • His favourite snacks are chocolate-peanut protein bars • He ate dog meat, snake meat, and roasted grasshopper while living in Indonesia • He can speak Spanish • While on the campaign trail he refused to watch CNN and had sports channels on instead • His favourite drink is black forest berry iced tea • He promised Michelle he would quit smoking before running for president – he didn't • He kept a pet ape called Tata while in Indonesia • He can bench press an impressive 200lbs • He was known as Barry until university when he asked to be addressed by his full name • His favourite book is Moby-Dick by Herman Melville • He visited Wokingham, Berks, in 1996 for the stag party of his half-sister's fiancé, but left when a stripper arrived • His desk in his Senate office once belonged to Robert Kennedy • He and Michelle made $4.2 million (£2.7 million) last year, with much coming from sales of his books • His favourite films are Casablanca and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest • He carries a tiny Madonna and child statue and a bracelet belonging to a soldier in Iraq for good luck • He applied to appear in a black pin-up calendar while at Harvard but was rejected by the all-female committee. • His favourite music includes Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Bach and The Fugees • He took Michelle to see the Spike Lee film Do The Right Thing on their first date • He enjoys playing Scrabble and poker • He doesn't drink coffee and rarely drinks alcohol • He would have liked to have been an architect if he were not a politician • As a teenager he took drugs including marijuana and cocaine • His daughters' ambitions are to go to Yale before becoming an actress (Malia, 10) and to sing and dance (Sasha, 7) • He hates the youth trend for trousers which sag beneath the backside • He repaid his student loan only four years ago after signing his book deal • His house in Chicago has four fire places • Daughter Malia's godmother is Jesse Jackson's daughter Santita • He says his worst habit is constantly checking his BlackBerry • He uses an Apple Mac laptop • He drives a Ford Escape Hybrid, having ditched his gas-guzzling Chrysler 300 • He wears $1,500 (£952) Hart Schaffner Marx suits • He owns four identical pairs of black size 11 shoes • He has his hair cut once a week by his Chicago barber, Zariff, who charges $21 (£13) • His favourite fictional television programmes are Mash and The Wire • He was given the code name "Renegade" by his Secret Service handlers • He was nicknamed "Bar" by his late grandmother • He plans to install a basketball court in the White House grounds • His favourite artist is Pablo Picasso • His speciality as a cook is chilli • He has said many of his friends in Indonesia were "street urchins" • He keeps on his desk a carving of a wooden hand holding an egg, a Kenyan symbol of the fragility of life • His late father was a senior economist for the Kenyan government


Monday, August 20, 2012

Am I the only person (man or woman) from Colorado (or elsewhere in the U.S.) who finds the President's remarks about rape quite offensive given the type of people he associates with. In case you don't know, that is Kobe Bryant. The type of person Obama looks up to so much that he gives him a pass on rape. Yes Mr. President... rape IS rape, until it is someone you like. That is not how it works. Randall says: "Friends don't let friends rape young ladies." FOLLOWING IS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS STORY: President Barack Obama says a GOP Senate candidate's comments on rape are "offensive." Obama said at a news conference Monday that comments by Missouri Congressman Todd Akin do not make sense. Obama said, "Rape is rape" and said the idea of distinguishing among types of rape "doesn't make sense to the American people and certainly doesn't make sense to me."

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Replace your shake shingles. NOW. I have had the folks from ATA Boyz Construction do work for me. Richard Randall With damage from the Waldo Canyon Fire and the many wind and hail storms we have been experiencing lately, odds are you will need professional help with your property at some point. We want to be the one and only contractor you know you can trust when that time comes. If you have any reason to believe that you may have storm damage, a Consumer Advocate from ATA Boyz Construction will provide you with a no obligation, free inspection of your property. We’ll come out to your residence or commercial site to verify any storm damage and assist you with your insurance claim. ATA Boyz Construction specializes in working with you and your insurance company to assure that you receive a fair allowance for your claim. From the initial inspection, to finalizing the needed repairs, your ATA Boyz Construction Advocate will manage the following steps, keeping you advised throughout the entire process: Verify your property damage Assist you in filing your claim Meet with you and the insurance adjuster to assure that all storm related damage is identified and included in the claim Meet with you to select replacement materials, colors and address any special requests Obtain necessary permit(s) and schedule material delivery and repair team(s) Ensure that the completed project conforms to all local building code requirements Guarantee that all aspects of the job meet with your complete satisfaction ATA Boyz Construction is a family owned and operated business. We are here to serve both your immediate and future needs and look forward to giving you the quality service you expect and deserve. Contact Us Call the representative you have already been in contact with or fill out the form below and we’ll contact you with your specific needs as soon as possible. If this is an urgent service, it would be better to just give one of the owners a direct call. Owner: Andy Barker Colorado # 719-232-4087 Owner: Lankford Ewell Colorado # 719-238-9767 Colorado Address 1425 Southerland Creek Manitou Springs, CO 80829 Sales Representatives - Brian Murphy: - Dawn Kemena: - Kevin Crawford: Product Managers - Dawn Kemena: - Kevin Crawford:

Friday, June 29, 2012


THE PRESIDENT: Well, we just had a chance to tour some of the damage that's been done by this devastating fire. I've had a chance to thank Mayor Bach as well as Governor Hickenlooper. And the entire congressional delegation, members of the fire service, the Forest Service, as well as local fire officials have gotten a full briefing. I think what you see here is an example of outstanding coordination and cooperation between federal, state and local agencies. We have been putting everything we have into trying to deal with what's one of the worst fires that we've seen here in Colorado. And it's still early in the fire season, and we still got a lot more work to do. But because of the outstanding work that's been done, because of not only the coordination but also some unprecedented arrangements that have been made with military resources combined with the civil resources, we're starting to see progress. Obviously, as you saw in the some of these subdivisions, the devastation is enormous. And our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families who have been affected. One of the things that I've tried to emphasize is that whether it's fires in Colorado or flooding in the northern parts of Florida, when natural disasters like this hit, America comes together. And we all recognize that there but for the grace of God, go I. We've got to make sure that we have each other's backs. And that spirit is what you're seeing in terms of volunteers, in terms of firefighters, in terms of government officials. Everybody is pulling together to try to deal with this situation. Now, as I said, we're not completely out of the woods yet. These folks, some of them have been working 18-hour days, 20-hour days, trying to make sure that these fires get put out. They're going to be carefully monitoring the situation, and ultimately they're going to need a little bit of help from Mother Nature in order to fully extinguish these fires. In the meantime, some lessons are being learned about how we can mitigate some of these fires in the future, and I know that the Mayor and Governor, and other local officials are already in those conversations. It means that hopefully, out of this tragedy, some long-term planning occurs, and it may be that we can curb some of the damage that happens the next time, even though you obviously can't fully control fires that are starting up in these mountains. Last point I just want to make -- and that is that we can provide all the resources, we can make sure that they're well-coordinated, but as I just told these firefighters, what we can do is to provide them with the courage and the determination and the professionalism, the heart that they show when they're out there battling these fires. When we had a chance on site to see some guys who had just saved three homes in a community that had been devastated, for those families, the work and the sacrifice of those firefighters means the world to them, and they are genuine heroes. And so we want to just say thank you to all the folks who have been involved in this. We're proud of you. We appreciate what you do each and every day. And so for folks all around the country, I hope you are reminded of how important our fire departments are, our Forest Service is. Sometimes they don't get the credit that they deserve until your house is burning down, or your community is being threatened. And you have to understand they're putting their lives at risk to save us and to help us. We've got to make sure that we remember that 365 days a year, not just when tragedies like this strike. Thank you very much, everybody.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Storm King Fire (a.k.a. South Canyon Fire), Glenwood Springs, CO, July 6th, 1994 Excerpt: US Forest Service Investigation At 3:20 p.m.on July 6th, 1994 a dry cold front moved into the fire area. As winds and fire activity increased, the fire made several rapid runs with 100-foot flame lengths within the existing burn. At 4:00 p.m. the fire crossed the bottom of the west drainage and spread up the drainage on the west side. It soon spotted back across the drainage to the east side beneath the firefighters and moved onto steep slopes and into dense, highly flammable Gambel oak. Within seconds a wall of flame raced up the hill toward the firefighters on the west flank fireline. Failing to outrun the flames, 12 firefighters perished. Two helitack crew members on the top of the ridge also died when they tried to outrun the fire to the northwest. The remaining 35 firefighters survived by escaping out the east drainage or seeking a safety area and deploying their fire shelters.


Mann Gulch Fire, Helena National Forest, MT, August 5th, 1949 Excerpt: From NASA System Failure Case Studies report On August 4, 1949, a lightning induced "smoker" started along the south ridge of Mann Gulch, located 20 miles north of Helena, Montana. The fire was spotted the next day and a team of 15 smokejumpers was dispatched. The plan was to proceed down the north slope and attack the fire from its rear flank, using the Missouri river as an escape route. Unknown to the crew, the fire had jumped across the gulch to the north ridge eliminating the path to safety. Given the very dry conditions, the fire spread rapidly--up to 700 feet per minute. Seeing smoke ahead, Foreman Wagner Dodge ordered the team to reverse direction, but the fire quickly caught up to them. Dodge lit an intentional burn zone or "escape fire" and urged his men to take refuge. The team ignored Dodge as discipline shattered and it became every man for himself. Dodge survived as did two others who made it over the ridge to safety. The rest were overtaken by the fire and died.


Incident Overview Waldo Canyon Fire Update For Immediate Release: June 28, 2012, 8 a.m. Public Information: (719) 629-7322, Fire Facts: Date started: June 23, 2012 Number of Personnel: 1,008 Location: West of Colorado Springs Crews: 27 Size: 18,500 acres Engines: 73 Percent Contained: 5% Water Tenders: 3 Estimated Containment: 7/16/12 Helicopters: 2 Type 1, 2 Type 2 and 2 Type 3 Cause: Under investigation Injuries to Date: 0 Structures threatened: 20,085 residences and 160 commercial structures Evacuees: Approx. 32, 000 Cost to Date: $3, 200, 000 Structures lost Yet to be determined Announcement: Staffed road closures will be in effect at the following locations: ·● Forest Road 320, one half mile west of Mitchell Ave. ·● Forest Road 320 at Road 300. Road 300 will remain open. ·● Hwy 24 at the El Paso/Teller County line. Today's Events: Firefighters were able to construct direct line in Sand Gulch from Hwy 24 towards Rampart Ridge Road last night. The fire grew little overnight due to favorable weather conditions. There was isolated torching of trees in the middle of the northwest portion of the fire where oak brush has not completely burned. On the south perimeter, firefighters were able to construct direct line to secure areas of fire. Direct line construction will continue today on the south perimeter to secure this area. Firefighters will continue to construct direct line in the Sand Gulch area. Structure protection will continue along Hwy 24. To the northwest of this line construction, three locations have been identified as contingencies where firefighters would be able to burn off from, if necessary, to protect the community of Woodland Park. A structure protection group will continue preparation work on the east side of Woodland Park today. Crews will work to construct line from the spot fire north of Rampart Reservoir to the southeast to tie in with the main north flank of the fire. On the East flank, the primary focus is on structure protection, improving existing line, fire control and mop-up. Firefighters will provide structure protection and initial attack along the eastern boundary of the fire. These activities and resources are being coordinated with the City of Colorado Springs and the Air Force Academy. All resources assigned within Colorado Springs City limits are under the direction of the Colorado Springs Fire Department. Structure protection will continue at Eagle Lake Camp. Firefighters are securing and holding the line from Rampart Reservoir south to Rampart Range Road. Crews will continue structure protection in Cedar Heights subdivision and construct line from the quarry north to the castle. Evacuations and Closures Currently on mandatory evacuation: Cascade, Chipita Park, Green Mountain Falls, Crystola City of Colorado Springs All areas north of Garden of the Gods Rd. between I-25 to the east all the way to the western City limits and north to the Air Force Academy. Air Force Academy Evacuated areas include all housing areas on the base except the airfield. Teller County Refer to US 24 Closed between Cave of the Winds and El Paso/Teller County line. Pike National Forest Order 12-08 closes the Pike National Forest in the area of the Waldo Canyon Fire as shown on map of order. Currently on Voluntary Evacuation Crystal Park, Manitou Springs Red Cross Shelters Lewis Palmer High School (1300 Higby, Monument, CO) Cheyenne Mountain High School (1200 Cresta Road, Colorado Springs, CO) Southeast YMCA (2190 Jet Wing Drive, Colorado Springs, CO) Summit Elementary School, Divide, CO Evacuees should register on Family and friends can check status there and also by phone at (719) 785-2724. For information on sheltering animals, please refer to this document: ### Basic Information Incident Type Wildfire Cause Under Investigation Date of Origin Saturday June 23rd, 2012 approx. 12:00 PM Location Pike National Forest, El Paso County Incident Commander Rich Harvey Current Situation Total Personnel 1,200 Size 18,500 acres Percent Contained 5% Estimated Containment Date Monday July 16th, 2012 approx. 12:00 AM Fuels Involved Brush, hardwood slash, Mountain shrub, oak, grass, Pinon pine, juniper, Ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, spruce, Limber pine, White pine Fire Behavior Extreme fire behavior with extreme rates of spread and active surface fire. Increase in fire perimeter along the north and east flanks. Active crown fire with sustained runs. Fire continues to back down toward Highway 24. Significant Events Fire activity increased along the entire perimeter due to Red Flag Conditions, wind shifts and Haines Index of 6 (very high). Fire has reached the south side of Rampart Recreation Area and reservior with a burnout being conducted to protect infrastructure. Indirect line location opportunities are being assessed north of Lucky 4 Road. Incident has expanded to include Division D and X based on northwest growth of fire perimeter. An evacuation has been issued by the City of Colorado Springs for Mt Springs, Peregrine and Westwood. At approximately 4 pm the fire progressed west to east in Division Y crossing Queens Canyon and established itself on the east aspect of the Front Range. The evacuation order for Crystal Park subdivision has been lifted and residents allowed to return. Outlook Planned Actions Improve pipelone easement contingency line south of Woodland Park going east from Hwy 24 and tying into Rampart Recreation Area. Continue to hold Rampart Ridge Road to prevent fire from moving northeast and east. Continue point protection in Cedar Heights and continue structure protection along the west side of Colorado Springs. Growth Potential Extreme Terrain Difficulty Extreme Current Weather Wind Conditions 12 mph SW Temperature 93 degrees Humidity 8% UNIT INFORMATION Pike and San Isabel National Forests U.S. Forest Service 2840 Kachina Drive Pueblo, CO 81008 Links Terminology About This Site Help Disclaimer Feeds Log I


Wednesday, June 27, 2012





Colorado's top 16 most destructive wildfires in terms of the number of homes destroyed. 1. High Park, Larimer County 2012 -- 257 homes. 2. Fourmile Canyon, 2010 -- 169 homes. 3. Hayman, 2002 -- 133 homes, 466 outbuildings. 4. Iron Mountain near Canon City, 2002 -- 100 homes, 100 outbuildings. 5. Missionary Ridge, near Durango, 2002 -- 56 homes, 27 outbuildings. 6. Hi-Meadow fire near Bailey, 2000 -- 58 structures. 7. Black Tiger Gulch, 1989 -- 44-46 homes. 8. Coal Seam, near Glenwood Springs, 2002 -- 29 houses, 14 outbuildings. 9. Lower North Fork, near Conifer, 2012 -- 27 homes. 10. Woodland Heights, Estes Park, 2012 - 22 homes, 2 structures. 11. Bobcat fire, Larimer County, 2000 -- 22 structures. 12. Schoonover, Douglas County, 2002 -- 13 structures. 13. Crystal, Larimer County, 2010 -- 13 homes. 14. Buffalo Creek, Jefferson County, 1996 -- 12 structures. 15. Million, near South Fork, 2002 -- 11 homes, 2 outbuildings. 16. Olde Stage in Boulder County, 1990 -- 10 homes.


Worst U.S. Forest Fires


Oct. 8–14, Peshtigo, Wis: over 1,500 lives lost and 3.8 million acres burned in nation's worst forest fire.


June 6, Seattle, Wash.: fire destroyed 64 acres of the city and killed 2 people. Damage was estimated at $15 million.


Sept. 1, Minn.: forest fires ravaged over 160,000 acres and destroyed 6 towns; 600 killed, including 413 in town of Hinckley.


Sept., Wash. and Ore.: Yacoult fire destroyed 1 million acres and left 38 dead.


Aug. 10, Idaho and Mont.: fires burned 3 million acres of woods and killed 85 people.


Oct. 13–15, Minn. and Wis.: forest fire struck towns in both states; 1,000 died, including 400 in town of Cloquet, Minn. About $1 million in losses.


Oct. 25–27, Maine: forest fire destroyed part of Bar Harbor and damaged Acadia National Park. In all, 205,678 acres burned and 16 lives were lost.


Aug. 5, Mann Gulch, Mont.: 12 smokejumpers—firefighters who parachuted near the fire—and 1 forest ranger died after being overtaken by a 200-ft wall of fire at the top of a gulch near Helena, Mont. Three smokejumpers survived.


Nov. 25, Calif.: fire destroyed 40,000 acres in Cleveland National Forest and caused 11 deaths.


Sept. 26, Laguna, Calif.: large-scale brush fire consumed 175,425 acres and 382 structures.


Aug.–Sept., western U.S.: fires destroyed over 1.2 million acres in Yellowstone National Park and damaged Alaska woodlands.


June, Santa Barbara, Calif.: Painted Cave fire burned 4,900 acres and destroyed 641 structures.


Oct. 20–23, Oakland–Berkeley, Calif.: brush fire in drought-stricken area destroyed over 3,000 homes and apartments. At least 24 people died; damage estimated at $1.5 billion.


July 2–11, South Canyon, Colo.: relatively small fire (2,000 acres) led to deaths of 14 firefighters.


April–May, northern N.M.: prescribed fire started by National Park Service raged out of control, destroying 235 structures and forcing evacuation of more than 20,000 people. Blaze consumed an estimated 47,000 acres and threatened Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Summer, western U.S.: as of Aug. 31 nearly 6.5 million acres had burned nationwide, more than double the ten-year average. States hardest hit included Alaska, Calif., Colo., Idaho, Mont., N.M., Nev., Ore., Tex., Utah, Wash., and Wyo.

Spring–Summer, western U.S.: dry conditions led to one of the most destructive forest fire seasons in U.S. history. About 7.2 million acres burned nationwide, nearly double the 10-year average. States hardest hit included Alaska, Idaho, Mont., N.M., Nev., and Ore.


June–early July, mainly western U.S.: Hayman fire in Pike National Forest destroyed 137,760 acres and 600 structures, making it the worst wildfire in Colorado history. In central Ariz., the 85,000-acre Rodeo fire, which had already been declared the worst in Arizona's history, merged with the Chediski fire, destroying 468,638 acres and more than 400 structures. Large wildfires also burned in Alaska, southern Calif., N.M., Utah, Oregon, and Ga.


Oct. 25–29, southern Calif.: 15 devastating forest fires burned for two weeks, primarily in San Diego County, Ventura County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County, forcing more than 80,000 people to evacuate their homes and burning 800,000 acres. More than 15,500 firefighters battled the blazes that killed 24 people and destroyed 3,640 homes. The Cedar Fire in San Diego, which burned through 200,000 acres, was the largest fire in California's history.


July–Aug., Alaska: wildfires in Alaska burned more than 5 million acres, the worst year for Alaska fires.


March 6–7, Texas: more than 200 wildfires in a 24-hour period destroyed 15 homes, killed 10,000 cattle and horses, and burned 191,000 acres. Since December 26th, Texas wildfires have killed 11 people, destroyed 400 homes, and burned more than 3.7 million acres.


Oct. 21–25, southern Calif.: 16 wildfires from Simi Valley to the Mexican border were fanned by 50 to 60 mph winds and burned nearly 500,000 acres. Three people died, 25 firefighters and civilians were injured, and nearly 1,300 homes were destroyed. Over 500,000 people evacuated their homes while nearly 1,000 firefighters fought the flames.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012



I am proud to say KVOR is now partnering with Care & Share and items for firefighters & thos who have been evacuated can be dropped off at the KVOR Studios at I-25 & Woodman.


Donations for Firefighters and Evacuees - UPDATED ... Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Mary Scott WITH A LOCAL FUND FOR LOCAL FIREFIGHTERS Colorado Springs and El Paso County Officials would like to thank the community for their very generous donations to firefighters who are working on the Waldo Canyon Fire. The management team and firefighters cannot adequately express the level of gratitude they feel for all the items that have been brought to fire camp. Unfortunately, these donations are overwhelming the capacity of the fire camp to manage, store and consume them. The firefighters are fed daily by a contract caterer who provides the firefighters with all the food they require, including the calories and nutritional requirements they need to keep up the hard work that they do. This contract pays the caterer for each firefighter in camp regardless of whether they eat of not. From this point on, please do not bring food or other donated items to the fire camp. You can continue to show support for firefighters by placement of thank you signs on fences and in your yards. These messages are seen by all firefighters and are greatly appreciated. Please do not deliver goods of any type to the shelters or to the fire staging areas. These sites are overwhelmed with donations and the management of these donations distracts from the primary goal of public safety. Below is where good donations can be delivered: Care and Share (water and non-perishables), M-F, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., 2605 Preamble Court Goodwill – Go to for the list of local donation centers. The Pikes Peak Community Foundation has created The Waldo Canyon Fire Fighter’s Fund to support the efforts of public and volunteer fire departments in El Paso and Teller Counties. This fund will provide financial resources for the fire departments working on this effort – supporting any needs that may arise, from food and cots to firefighting equipment – as well as future wildfire mitigation efforts in the Pikes Peak region. Members of the community may support the firefighters by donating online at The Pikes Peak Community Foundation is also encouraging donors to support the efforts of the local chapter of the American Red Cross to help those displaced by the fire, Pikes Peak Humane Society in their efforts help displaced animals, and Care and Share. Once again, we cannot express how much we appreciate the kindness and generosity of the Pike Peak region. We remind everyone to follow the proper donation channels to maximize the benefits of food, money, or other items to the evacuees and responders.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


El Pomar Supports Wild Fire Response with Emergency Grants El Pomar Foundation today announced it has approved $205,400 in emergency grants to support local efforts to combat Colorado’s wild fire outbreak. The grants directly support Colorado firefighting agencies and other nonprofits providing services to individuals affected by the fires. The grants come from El Pomar’s internal Wild Land Fire Fund, established in 2002 at the height of the Hayman Fire. “The trustees are committed to supporting El Pomar’s mission of contributing to the well-being of the people of Colorado and understand fulfilling that mission can take many forms,” said El Pomar Chairman and CEO William J. Hybl. “The Wild Land Fire Fund allows us to act quickly to assist the organizations working to keep our communities safe.” Grants being distributed today in El Paso and Teller County include: American Red Cross, Pikes Peak Region – $25,000 for sheltering operations for individuals displaced by fires in the Pikes Peak region Teller County Sheriff’s Office – $15,000 for operating expenses for wild land fire fighting team El Paso County Sheriff’s Office – $10,000 for operating expenses for wild land fire fighting team Salvation Army – $10,000 for mobile feeding of firefighters in the Pikes Peak region Pikes Peak Fire Fighters Association – $5,000 to support food and supplies to firefighters Care and Share Food bank for Southern Colorado- $5,000 for food to support individuals displaced by fires in Pikes Peak region Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region – $2,500 for expenses associated with sheltering small animals displaced by fires in Pikes Peak region Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Foundation – $2,500 for expenses associated with sheltering large animals displaced by fires in Pikes Peak region and relocated to Norris Penrose Center Last week, after a survey of fire department needs, El Pomar approved the following grants to Colorado firefighting agencies: Highway 115 South – $20,000 for the purchase of two Utility Terrain Vehicles Palmer Lake FD – $20,000 for the purchase of two UTV’s El Paso County Sheriff – $20,000 for two UTV’s Broadmoor FD – $20,000 for two UTV’s Wet Mountain FPD (Westcliffe in Custer County) – $20,000 for two UTV’s Poudre FPD (Fort Collins) – $5,400 for Personal Protective Equipment In addition, El Pomar trustees approved the following grant to support relief efforts in northern Colorado: American Red Cross, Mile High Chapter – $25,000 for sheltering operations for individuals displaced by fires


May 13, 1995 :: C-130E, 62-1838, c/n 3801, 'Sumit 38', operated by the 302d Airlift Wing, Peterson AFB, Colorado. Number 2 engine caught fire at a cruise altitude of 26K ft AGL after departing Boise, Idaho. One loadmaster activated all fire extinguisher carts, initially quenching the fire. However, fire re-ignited and the aircraft had no further extinguishers available. Crew attempted to divert to Mountain Home AFB, Idaho (MUO). Number 2 engine improperly disengaged from its mount, causing severe fuselage and wing damage. Wing eventually severed completely from the airframe, causing Sumit 38 to crash approximately 23 minutes after leaving Boise, killing all six crewmembers. Long Description: On May 13, 1995, after dropping off fifteen reservists in Boise, Idaho, a C-130 Hercules was on its way back to Peterson Air Force Base near Colorado Springs, CO. when a fire erupted in one of its engines which resulted in a horrific crash in the desert about 11 miles north of Bliss, Id. All six members from the 302nd Airlift Wing of the USAF reserve died in the resulting explosive crash. There isn't much left of the plane to mark where the doomed flight went down. A few small parts and pieces strung out in about a hundred yard long stretch and a monument placed by family members. This is what was said by one of the recovery crew: "The cause of the crash was that the number 2 (inside left wing) engine had a buggy undertemp sensor, causing the crew to enrich the fuel mixture, leading to an actual engine overtemp. One of the fuel lines ruptured or melted, causing the fire, and one of the crewmen hit the fire carts, but the fire re-erupted moments later, and there were no more extinguishers available for that engine. One of the pins that was supposed to melt in an engine fire, releasing the engine from the AC, failed to release the engine properly, while another worked properly. Still half connected to the wing hard point, the engine torqued at an awkward angle, causing severe wing and fuselage damage, which led to the crash. Crew: AC CC: Lt. Col. Robert Buckout Pilot: 1st Lt. Lance Daugherty Navigator: Capt. Geoffery Boyd Flight Engineer: CMSgt. Jimmy Vail Loadmaster: MSgt. Jay Kemp Loadmaster: SSgt. Michael Scheideman Date of Crash: 05/13/1995 Aircraft Model: C-130 Hercules Military or Civilian: Military Tail Number: 62-1838 Cause of Crash: Engine fire.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Honor Flight of Southern Colorado Honor Flight of Southern Colorado's INAUGURAL FLIGHT! June 15-17 2012 Honor Flight Pre-Flight Luncheon: Join Congressman Doug Lamborn and Major General J. Anderson of Ft. Carson at the Honor Flight Pre-Flight Luncheon which is scheduled for June 14th at 12 noon at The Academy Hotel, 8110 N. Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. The cost is $10.00 per person but free to our WWII Veterans. Please RSVP to and come enjoy lunch with these amazing heroes. Let’s show them our appreciation. Any and all guests are welcome! Please join us in sending off the Veterans going on the Inaugural Flight of Honor Flight of Southern Colorado June 15, 2012 5:15 a.m. at the Academy Hotel 8110 North Academy Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Please join us in welcoming back the Veterans from their Inaugural Flight of Honor Flight of Souther Colorado June 17, 2012 6:30 p.m. at the Academy Hotel 8110 North Academy Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80920 All are invited to be at the send-off and arrival! For more information about the Veterans that are going go the Inaugural Flight Tab above. HONOR FLIGHT OF SOUTHERN COLORADO FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lana Fore-Warkocz 719-287-8890 May 4th, 2012 HONOR FLIGHT OF SOUTHERN COLORADO’S TAKES FIRST FLIGHT Colorado Springs- Honor Flight of Southern Colorado will be taking our first flight on June 15th, 2012. This comes one year from the time we became a 501( C ) 3 non-profit organization. We will take our first round of WWII veterans who have been waiting years for this flight. We will be sending out information on our send-off, so please visit our website as to the location on the morning of the June 15th so you can help us give them a trip they will never forget. Honor Flight of Southern Colorado transports our WWII veterans to Washington D.C. so they can visit and reflect on their memorial. Top priority was given to our most senior veterans and those who may be terminally ill. Of all the wars in our current memory, it was WWII that truly threatened our very existence as a nation. Honor Flight of Southern Colorado and the Honor Flight Network is our way of paying a small tribute to those who gave so much to fight for our freedoms a rewarding, safe and rewarding tour of honor. Please consider donating to our cause. Visit for more information. Welcome to Honor Flight of Southern Colorado Honor Flight Network is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization created solely to honor America's Veterans for all their sacrifices. Honor Flight transports our heroes to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. Top priority is given to the senior Veterans who may be terminally ill. Of all the wars in recent memory, it was World War II that truly threatened our very existence as a nation-and as a culturally diverse, free society. HONOR FLIGHT Network is our way of paying a small tribute to those who gave so much to fight for our freedoms, a memorable, safe, and rewarding TOUR of HONOR!!! For some background history on Honor Flight and our "mission" visit our national website:

Friday, June 8, 2012


The Cheyenne Mountain Republican Forum will feature Michelle Malkin at a fundraising dinner THIS Saturday June 9, 2012 from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM at The Doubletree Hotel 1775 E. Cheyenne Mountain Blvd., Colorado Springs Cocktails start at 5:30 pm, cost is $65 per person with the proceeds of the dinner and the silent auction go to support efforts to elect Republican candidates to office. R.S. V. P. to Flo Pritz 719-473-4049

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


May 20th Concert Gary Sinise & the Lt. Dan Band Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band will be making their way to Parker, CO to perform a special VIP concert for the supporters of this event. Tickets are limited to 400, so get yours now! You won’t want to miss this show! They will be performing at the exclusive Colorado Golf Club on Sunday May 20, 2012 at 3pm with a cookout/dinner to follow provided by the Colorado Golf Club chef. The Colorado Golf Club is located at 8000 Preservation Trail in Parker, CO 80134 Concert tickets cost $100.00 each. $50 for children 18 and under. Children 12 and under are FREE. As a registered golfer, you get one VIP ticket to the concert, and may purchase any additional tickets for guests for $100.00 each. You can also enter to win 2 tickets by purchasing opportunity tickets for $20.00 a piece with a 1 in 50 chance of winning. May 21st Golf Tournament On May 21st, Gary Sinise will be attending the golf tournament to meet and thank the supporters of his foundation. The golf tournament will open with Jake Schroeder, the official anthem singer for the Colorado Avalanche, singing the National Anthem. This event will be held at one of the most private, and exclusive, golf courses in the nation; The Colorado Golf Club. Located in Parker, Colorado, this course hosted the 2010 Senior PGA Championship and is home to the 2013 Solheim Cup. Participating in the golf tournament will give you elite access into the club and free range to all it has to offer, including the luxurious clubhouse and locker rooms. With participation in this event as a golfer, you will receive access to the club and amenities, a forecaddie for your group, lunch, dinner, open bar, a VIP ticket to the Lt. Dan Band Concert the day before, and a meet and greet with Gary Sinise. The price per golfer is $500.00 and includes everything listed above. There is also a chance to win your spot in the tournament by purchasing opportunity tickets for $20.00 a piece, with a 1 in 50 chance of winning. See our donate page for more details on opportunity tickets.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


This is a great baseball league to get your kids started in. My children have played in the league for years and everything from the fields (El Pomar Complex) to the players, coaches, parents, uniforms & league manager (Jorge) is top class. Walk in registration at El Pomar Youth Sports Complex will be May 19th, from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. Online and Mail-in Registrations for the 2012 Summer Baseball Season will continue until May 26th. West El Paso Basebal, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting good sportsmanship while creating an opportunity to play organized, good fundamental baseball during the summer months, and providing the best playing experience possible for every player. We are a AA level baseball league with a small mixture of AAA players. We have players of all levels, from beginner to experienced. It is the league's intent to group players with their school and neighborhood friends whenever possible. Although it is not guaranteed this will be possible in every case, we will work it out the best for all involved. All kids age 6-15 are welcome.
PO Box 60872 • Colorado Springs • CO • 80960 • 719-648-5171 email:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


My friend & eye doctor, John Rabins, is offering a special for patients who are buying a full set of glasses and are not using optical insurance. Customers can choose a free pair of nonprescription sunglasses including frames such as Bollé, Serengetti, Columbia, 7eye, Vera Wang, Espirit & more. Talk to Linda, the Chief Optician for details & restrictions. CALL HER AT (719) 550-EYES (3937) ADDRESS: 3585 Van Teylingen Drive, Suite B Colorado Springs, CO 80917

Sunday, April 15, 2012


The Southern ColoradoTea Party Annual Tax Day Rally When: Monday April 16th, 2012 Time: 4:00pm to 6:30pm Location: Pueblo County Courthouse 215 West 10th Street, Pueblo, Co. 81003 Our Speakers Will Be: Ed Jones -- 740 KVOR Radio Host and Republican Activist Congressman Scott Tipton via the phone Derrick Wilburn -- Rocky Mountain Black Tea Party Ryan Parsell -- Americans For Prosperity Sean Verhoeff -- Young Conservative Leaders of Colo. Matt Arnold -- Organizer of Clear The Bench -- CU Regent Candidate. Joe Arbuckle -- Retired Major Gen. US Army Michael Barrera -- Regional Director for The Libre Initiative Web site Dan Maes: Republican Gubernatorial Tea Party Candidate 2010 Bring your Family and Friends!! It will be a Great Rally!! "Don't Forget your Signs"


Apr 15, 2012 from 01:00 PM to 02:30 PM Where Mr. Biggs 5825 Mark Dabling Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Contact Name Amy Mitchell Contact Phone 719-321-8291 Change of venue: Due to the weather forecast for Sunday, the location for the El Paso County TEA Party has been changed. It will now be held at Mr. Biggs, 5825 Mark Dabling Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Candidates, tables will be provided. Taxed-Enough-Already
Music starts at 12:30 pm. Join freedom-loving citizens of El Paso County for an educational and uplifting event. Show support for OUR Republic. Support the Colorado and U.S. Constitutions. Learn how you can make a difference. Fellowship with fellow Patriots. Learn about current issues facing our state and nation. Stop the spending madness in Denver and DC. Bring a sign and voice your opinion! Bring the whole family for fun in the sun! Local candidates will be invited to have candidate tables.