Friday, February 23, 2018


“These Lives Matter” Photography Event 
Saturday, February 24th from 2-6pm at the Whiskey Baron Dance Hall and Saloon
Free photos (family and “these lives matter” specific photo) for Police/Fire/Rescue/EMT and their families, please wear full attire OR jacket/shirt/badge for the one photo.
Soft drinks provided, full bar and food available for purchase and music (not sure of what bands will play yet)
​Taking donations for Deputy Flick’s Family as well as the other officers injured from the events February 5th.
 Thank you for supporting this unique community event and most of all supporting our local first responders, police, fire, EMS, and all the others who put their live on the line for us each and every day!


 A number of female listeners to The Richard Randall Show have formed a group that meets once a month to talk about currents events in person. The group's name is Ladies Of Legacy and this month's meeting will take place at the radio station in the conference room for KVOR. The meeting starts at 6:30 and will have lively conversation and wine and snacks. Topics include how can people with different perspectives have constructive conversation as well as school shootings and local police shootings and what can be done to help LEO and their families. I will greet tonight's attendees and give a brief tour of the radio station. For an invitation send an email to Allison or Maureen at


Friday, February 16, 2018


Good morning Insight: no more school shootings. We need mass action. Safe first! The plan: Security/Safety, all schools. 9:06 PM
Proactive! Every school in the USA, should be reviewing security and safety procedures Two officers outside, two inside. Money to build a border wall. Money for safety of our children while in school. Please no playing the, party blame game. Proactive. Less talk, action gets it done.
Yes! Arm those teacher who are willing take weapon training courses. Common Sense President 🇺🇸 9:06
Good morning🇺🇸 Insight: money for military parade. (10-30 million dollars) Why not shift that money to help provide schools 11:35 PM
security/safety Officers Common Sense President 🇺🇸 11:35 PM
Good morning 🇺🇸 Insight: this is very sad! Proactive Security/Safety in all schools, that's what should be implemented. The President, should initiate. (This is the last shooting in our schools) From the very first school shooting, it should had been implemented. Blame is place on one person, and that's the shooter. They knew he was a threat, being proactive could have prevented this. Today! A parent, A student, a teacher, a school superintendent, knows of a person who could be a threat. Proactive is the key! The person of interest needs help! Proactive, proactive, proactive, is the key! Put reliable vets to work, they protected the country, let them protect, the future of this great country. No more! Talking is not getting it done. The best minds in this country can! Less talk, more action! I say this sadly, I'm so glad my daughters have finished their institutional education. Common Sense President 🇺🇸 7:17 AM
+Good morning 🇺🇸
Insight: Proactive! All school bus, should have a driver and a safety monitor. Common Sense President 🇺🇸 8:32 AM
Good morning 🇺🇸
Insight: some politicians are too close to their own tree and fail to see the forest of their constituency! Common Sense 9:53 AM
There are so many people who play video games. I'm not sure they are terribly influential as we would like to think they are. What DOES influence is the militant left who say its okay to destroy life if you are a victim or racism, etc Rachel flick spoke of this. To your previous caller, shall we outlaw TV's, movies, etc? That's a slippery slope. Our culture simply has no respect for life. 9:46 AM
Dept of Ed needs to stop funding special classes for kids here illegally, stop making special accommodations for kids that can't decide which sex they want to be and START defending the majority of kids that need protection from trained, armed teachers. Also, why do our local schools & this school in FL expel kids that pose a threat, then let them back in a year later? 8:45 AM
In my family we have 2 teachers in local high schools. We have 2 high school students in our family. All 4 are trained, legal marksmen, the 2 adults, however, can't use their firearms skills at work, meaning they would be potential victims even tho they would save lives if allowed to carry. How can anyone argue against teachers being able to conceal carry to protect our kids!? 8:51 AM
There are many things we can do to thwart school shootings. How abt a mandatory gun safety program, k-12? The kids 'obsessed' with guns have no adult supervision. No one has instructed them, taken them to a range to satisfy curiosity. Ignorance is curtailed with education. 9:43 AM
Trigger locks 9:42 AM
Call Text more▼
Enough is NOT Enough!!! 8:36 AM
We need people buy more guns!!! 8:36 AM
Our stock should go up!!! 8:37 AM
Please Richard.. tell your radio-listeners to go and buy more guns from %$#?*&!!! 8:37 AM
In fact.. please put your ads for %$#?*& Shooting Center!!! 8:38 AM
I love it! 8:38 AM
Buy guns!!! Buy guns!!! 8:38 AM
Arming everybody!!! 9:16 AM
Time to buy stocks!!! 9:16 AM
I am not wrong!!! Buy more guns!!! Buy more guns!!! 9:17 AM
Answer, this question... how many people, mass crime are happing around USA... and you justify you bought a gun because you are afraid somebody will go to your... 9:18 AM
I bet you, you have not have anyone trying going to your home!!! 9:19 AM
You are liar... I have been living here in Colorado Springs fir more than 15 years WITHOUT ANY GUN!!! and I live and sleep 100% secure!!! 9:20 AM
People do not need guns at home!! 9:20 AM
Great Trump!!! 9:29 AM
Take an action!!! 9:29 AM
Close %$#?*& Shooting Center!!! 9:29 AM
Have the balls!!! 9:29 AM
He did not do anything!!!! Bla, bla, bla!!! 9:30 AM

Yes the current caller does have a good idea but if something like that is implemented, it wouldn't take very long for the other crazies to start complaining about us becoming a police state. 9:28 AM
I'm from Colorado regards to the Mass shootings....why don't we use the military. Construct a Battalion or brigade size element devoted to focusing on domestic terrorism... securing schools, and or other areas. This will cost a lot less as active duty gets paid salary. 9:23 AM
Richard, I tend to believe that god installs anger in our hearts in order to help us combat evil, I also wish the young man was killed but I wish it was by a teacher or staff member early in the act of murder to show that sheep can be protected by a guard dog, taking the guard dog away and letting every predator know the dog isn't allowed on the premises is ridiculous Cole. 9:21 AM
I believe the death penalty should be used more as a deterrent 9:17 AM
That madman is not a "shooter", He is a MURDERER. Let's be clear on that. 9:11 AM
Yes- arm the teachers- but what happens when the SWAT team shows up and blows the teacher holding the gun away, thinking he's the perp? Do you think they'll ask to see his ID badge first? 9:07
Hey Richard Mark Ross here. A wolf is a wolf. If you take away his firearm he'll find some other way to kill the sheep. If you disarm the sheepdogs then the wolf can just eat as many sheep as he wants. 8:53
You're not going to start the tin foil hat, conspiracy junk again, are you? 8:43 AM
Pueblo, CO Again Richard, your good God in his word says to hate evil 8:42 AM
Alamosa, CO It's ok the killer is alive he will get his in state prison many times over 8:39 AM
The shooter in Florida is a product of cultural decline. 8:38 AM
What stupid question Richard? 10:00 AM
Are you trying to say... it is OK "legal" people have the right to make a crime?... 10:00 AM
What stupid question!!!! 10:01 AM
You anti immigration mind is making you make stupid question... we should be happy then "legal " people make a crime!!! 10:02 AM
Crime, exist... because we are humans... nothing to do who the stupid status... you are going "legal" people make mass of crimes.. and just 1% of us ("illegal ") make a crime!!! 10:03 AM
Do not stereotype us!!! We are not criminals!!! We are people like you, your co-workers and your family!!! We are not a bunch of criminals!!! 10:04 AM
Me: I will read this on the air tomorrow... but I want to be clear... I DO NOT hate you or your children or family, friends, or coworkers. I AM in favor of President Trump's plan for dreamers. Do you have a problem with a border wall, an end to chain migration, and visa lottery? Do you think it is wrong to make Dreamers get in line behind those who are coming here legally? 10:12 AM
I'm OK with a wall and the existing immigrantions laws only allows to bring close family!!! Why you do not bring a immigration lawyer to you program... we "illegal" pay for it... and ask to him/her if with the existing law I can bring Grand Parents or all my relatives... only Wife, son and parents... I do not see nothing wrong about it... do you see it? 10:17 AM
The problem.. is Trump and the extreme right is totally against hispanic... and they want to us to buy the idea.. I can bring my cousins or any relatives.. and it is not true!!! 10:19 AM
Bring a immigration lawyer and I pay for it!!! 10:20 AM
Let's educate your radio-listeners how that family-chain does not exist!!! 10:20 AM
What is wrong to bring my Wife, my son and my Parents? 10:21 AM
And I am totally agree to put dreamers back in line... I am in line since 2003!!! It is not an easy process!!! 10:22 AM
But the real problem is employers!!! They do not care about their own people.. 10:23 AM
They only care about profits!!! 10:23 AM
Welcome to the capitalism world!!! 10:24 AM
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Trisha Phillips Rush Criminals don't follow the law, good citizens do. This would only make the society less safe.
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Jim Grant Molon Labe
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Pam Blaydes The sickness is in the people. We need to fix our hearts and minds, beyond that, these things will happen even if guns are illegal ..criminals don't follow laws.
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Jim Grant When you accept a president who tolerates this kind of art......I’ll keep my gunsManage
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Pam Blaydes When we dissed the family, when we dissed religion, when we said abortion was ok, when we stopped discipining children, when criminals were told "it's not your fault", when personal responsibility and consequences went out of style... this is what we got.
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John Buchanan We need more "fewer ons" and fewer morons! Those dopes should be glad they haven't assumed room temperature

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Monika Harrington Richard, do not give up your guns, no way.
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David Gerstel Who has asked you to give up your gun. Common sense gun regulation. Universal a k ground checks you oppose. Why? approved of trump allowing 75,000 severely mentally ill to people to purchase guns. I am a proud and responsible gun went and unlike you, think 19 school shootings in 6 weeks is enough! Common sense gun regulation. What will it take, loss of a loved one because thT number is starting to become large
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Kevin Tebedo We have all of those common sence regulations now. What else do you want? The next logical step is actual gun control on law abiding citizens. Criminals and mass shooters care nothing for your common sense controls.
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Kevin Moore Who gets to decide those"common sense" regulations?
Hillary? Chuck? Nancy?
The stated goal is total disarmament. 
...See More
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David Gerstel Kevin Tebedo Still many loopholes in back ground checks - easier to get a gun than a drivers license. I am a gun owner but seems you think that 19 school shootings in 6 weeks is an acceptable price you are willing to pay to have no regulation contrary to the second ammendment
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David Gerstel Kevin Moore I have heard this BS for 45 years. People like you posted how Obama was comming after our guns yet you didn't lose 1 right but you paid a fortune for guns and ammo because NRA got you all riled up and you were 100% wrong. 100% of weapons us...See More
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Kevin Moore You can trust the Democrats. I don't.
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Casper Slieker David Gerstel Sealing those "loopholes" will restrict law abiding citizens from protecting themselves (and loved ones). Who chooses where the line gets drawn?
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David Gerstel Kevin Moore Its about reality - did you lose any gun rights under Obama which you were told 100% would happen - 2 x we had huge runs on weapons and ammo under Obama based on - BS - Dems are not our enemy - ISIS and Russia are and we have bent over for ...See More
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Kevin Moore We already have background checks and they include everything you mentioned. 
They are continually chipping away at gun rights with magazine sizes, banning certain stocks, trying to implement outrageous taxes on guns and ammo.
Look at the states with 
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David Gerstel Casper Slieker You do - right now you support the current slaughter Casper - it is a price you are willing to pay, with other peoples lives and children. Hasn't the price gotten to high when there are simple fixes - you say support the current regs - B...See More
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David Gerstel Kevin Moore then we will lose the right to own - We have tons of loopholes with back ground checks and the amount of mass murders let alone school mass murders dwarfs the rest of the world combined X 100+. Common sense gun regulation as stipulated in t...See More
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Kevin Moore David Gerstel you should switch to decaf...
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David Gerstel Kevin Moore LOL - don't drink coffee - I see where this is going - it is preventable and the current situation is unacceptable, If we don;t act responsibly now, you will cause your worst fear to be realized. IMHO
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Keith Nielsen I don’t think you have an answer to this meme do you David Gerstel. Not a good answer anyway. The main thing that differentiates the USA from third world “shitholes” is the right to bare arms and defend ourselves against a potentially tyrannical Government.Manage
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Darnell Cooper Do you question why we've had over a hundred times that many in the inner cities in our country?
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John Buchanan There are many vetetans who've inappropriately been diagnosed with mental problems due to PTSD or TBI.
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David Gerstel It is up to mental health to determine what diagnosis and severity merit inability to own a gun. Since 1960, more people in this country have been killed by guns than all our ears combined. Japan had 10 deaths master year versus our 33,000. 19 school shootings this year yet NRA and irresponsible gun owners are even against universal back ground checks
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John Buchanan Yes, and Switzerland has a ridiculously low crime rate, and practically everyone owns guns. Specious argument.
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David Gerstel John Buchanan I own guns as well but I am responsible. Hunters are responsible. But the amount of people killed each year by children who get their hands on their parents guns is staggering and apparently we feel it is OK to allow severely mentally ill...See More
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David Gerstel John Buchanan no one gets a conceal and carry - all store military weapons at home. To get a permit - must pass pyscological exam and show you are not a threat to society - hmmm sounds reas...See MoreManage
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ReplyRemove Preview19h
David Gerstel many are saying that all these mass shooters must be mentally ill. Research disagrees - 6-8 definitely have been but was the Orlando shooter mentally ill - no - hated gay people. Are KKK, neo ...See MoreManage
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ReplyRemove Preview19h
David Gerstel Looks like this kid was an alt right racist and a xenophobe and always wore his MAGA hat .Hated Muslims. Are KKK, neo nazis or white supremacist mentally ill - no. consumed by hatred - words kill and when you use xenophobic or racist talk to pander t...See More
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David Gerstel not mentally ill - just a hater - member of alt right
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David Gerstel John Buchanan and ammo is stored in a gov't facility
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Casper Slieker Read - More Guns, Less Crime - by John John R Lott Jr
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David Gerstel US is poster child that that statement is 100% false - we have most guns and have more gun deaths than all other countries times 100 - 24 children a day are shot in this country and NRA supporters feel that and 33-40,000 gun deaths is an acceptable pri...See More
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Casper Slieker That's a ridiculous proposal! How about "let teachers chose to arm themselves"? ( hash tag or not...)
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Jim Cash I'm not proposing a mandate. But we should eliminate "gun free zones" as well. #ARMTHETEACHERS is not ridiculous. It's a good solution to the problem.
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Casper Slieker I'm unfamiliar with the #ARM THE TEACHERS movement..., but it sounds like a fodder for anti gun folks. Now, the eliminate "gun free zones" movement sounds like something I can get behind!
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Jim Cash If teachers were armed the shooters wouldn't live very long. How is that "anti gun"? You've got me all bent if you think I'm anti gun dude. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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Elizabeth Hautman Training for teachers. Teachers opt in. Get great training.
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Jim Cash That's exactly what I'm talking about people. That's the whole idea behind #ARMTHETEACHERS! It's not a movement yet. I'm trying to get it started.
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Neil Talbott Good decent law abiding citizens are certainly not the problem here. It is crazy people with access to weapons. How can we fix that?
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Casper Slieker "Crazy" is a subjective word/term. I'm sure someone could find "crazy" in just about anyone..., even you!
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Neil Talbott Casper Slieker Absolutely true Casper, even you. I believe there are career fields where psychological profiles/evaluations are required for entry. Maybe, if we want to buy guns background checks should include psychological evaluations. There was...See More
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David Gerstel Universal Back ground checks with no exceptions and a mental questionaire to see if you are a risk/danger to society and certain crime or mental illnesses disqualify you for purchase or ownership and laws on how weapons are to be secured, especially when children in the house
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John Buchanan As I said before, need less morons
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Neil Talbott Define morons, crazies with guns, or....
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John Buchanan Someone who thinks doing harm to students or teachers is a good thing. For example.
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John Buchanan Someone who thinks beheading another because they have a different religion. Someone who thinks old people have a duty to die and get out of the way. Someone who thinks this chunk of rock would be better off without human beings on it.
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John Buchanan We need more "fewer ons" and fewer of these morons. Some can learn not to be morons. Others have to be reminded by gun wielding authority figures.
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Rome Griffin Bad guys and criminals will ALWAYS get guns, but you know what stops a bad guy with a gun?
A good guy.... WITH A GUN. 
Can you imagine what this country would be like if everyone thought everyone else was packin, and they were?
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Neil Talbott Please show me the data that proves your assertion.
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Rome Griffin Using simple logic with a little understanding of humans and a better understanding of criminal minds, I IMAGINE my assertion is correct. 
If you really want to do some research, look into the comparison between Honduras and New Zealand.
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Todd Ewbank Richard I agree, what stops a bad guy with a gun, A good guy with a gun. Have thoughts on this, that I would like to send to the POTUS, as well as how to put people to work and build the economy and help the DACA initiative.
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Cookie Carletti get rid of defense attorneys ,all they know is INSANITY PLEAS. It blew my mind that one day after the shooter was put in jail the VAGINA a=defense attorney with the well rehearsed sad face says, Oh he remorseful and sad, he is a broken man. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK ..
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