This information came in from Michelle.... good stuff.
Hi Everyone -
Tuesday’s Massachusetts Senate race could be the razor-thin victory we need to stop Obamacare dead in its tracks. But we have to act TODAY . Scott Brown, who has pledged to vote against the current healthcare legislation if elected, is about 5 polling points ahead of his liberal opponent Martha Coakley. Take this momentum and miraculous opportunity to stop Obamacare! Take time this morning to make your impact on this critical Massachusetts election. Read below for details on how you can help.
Thanks for your help and please spread the word now,
Here's What You Can Do Now:
· Help with the phone-bank effort.
Anyone across the country who is interested in phone-banking on Scott Brown’s behalf may register to phone-bank one of two ways:
1) Go to the Scott Brown for US Senate website and register for call-from-home: http://www.brownforussenate.com/call-from-home-registration
2) Contact Scott Brown’s Field Director Brad Hansen at: brad@brownforussenate.com or call 509-595-4683. Brad will set you up with a user-name and password.
You will receive an email with your unique user name and password, as well as a link to the website where you will log in. Once you are logged in, watch the tutorial on how to use the system and then you can start making calls.
· Donate to Scott Brown’s campaign.
Online donations accepted here: https://www.icontribute.us/scottbrown/
Why Should You Support Scott Brown in Massachusetts TODAY?
· Massachusetts: Bottom Has Fallen Out of Coakley’s Polls; Dems Prepare to Explain Defeat, Protect Obama: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/Massachusetts-Bottom-has-fallen-out-of-Coakleys-poll-numbers-Dems-prepare-to-explain-defeat-protect-Obama-81681862.html
· Lawmaker: If GOP Wins Seat, Health Care Dead: http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/news/2010/01/lawmaker_if_gop_wins_seat_health_care_dead.php
And keep praying
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