Colorado Springs, CO - The El Paso County Republicans held their annual Lincoln Dinner March 20, 2010 at the Doubletree Hotel. The record attendance included more than 400 enthusiastic Republicans and a host of local and statewide candidates who were welcomed by Republican County Chairman Kay Rendleman. El Paso County Clerk and Recorder Bob Balink entertained the crowd and served as the Master of Ceremonies.
Special guests, President and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln (portrayed by Lincoln historians John and Pamela Voehl), kicked off the evening and were appropriately escorted onto the stage by Secret Service personnel with a musical accompaniment of "Hail to the Chief". The President recited the 1893 Gettysburg Address. Rendleman said with a smile, "We're grateful that President Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, could take time out of their busy schedules to stop by the dinner. We thank the President for giving this particular speech, one that we as Republicans recognize for its importance including its statements for government of the people, by the people and for the people."
Colorado Attorney General John Suthers and statewide candidates for U.S. Senate and Governor, energized the crowd before the keynote speech of State Senate Minority Leader Josh Penry with all speaking about Republican unity in 2010. U.S. Representative Doug Lamborn was unable to attend due to his work schedule in Washington, D.C. on the healthcare debate and vote. The Congressman addressed the crowd via video, reporting on the fight to prevent government takeover of healthcare. Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele also addressed the group via video to encourage a focus toward invigoration of the Republican Party.
KVOR radio personality, Richard Randall, served as auctioneer for the live auction. He created excitement and competition, helping generate thousands of dollars in combined bids for the three live auction items.
Annual awards were presented by the local GOP leadership by Chairman Rendleman, Vice Chairman -more-
Darryl Glenn and Secretary Nancy Meadows. "This is an opportunity to thank those individuals in our local GOP who embody conservative principles and work everyday as volunteers," said Rendleman. "This allows us to leverage our resources and help support Republican candidates for office."
Precinct Leader of the Year: Dennis Moore was recognized for his grassroots volunteer efforts. "Dennis just sees a job that needs to be done and steps up to do it," Rendleman said. "His work has continually energized our local GOP volunteers while focusing on campaign teamwork and coordination. In addition, Dennis' community outreach skills travel beyond partisan circles where he has earned the nickname as 'Mr. Neighborhood Watch'."
Volunteer of the Year: Shirley Martin received the award for her long hours, hard-work and dedication she provided to the Republican Party during the past year in preparing the new GOP headquarters. Rendleman said, "Shirley is a dynamo when it comes to volunteering. Her positive attitude and organizational skills have kept the office humming even during a recent move. Her gift of time, talent and energy cross all aspects of supporting local Republicans."
Republican of the Year: El Paso County Commissioner Sallie Clark was thanked for working tirelessly to promote the Party at community events, helping to recruit candidates, offering advice and supporting the county Party's strategic planning efforts. "How do I describe this year's recipient?," said Rendleman. "Tenacious, loyal, dedicated, articulate, persistent? You see her at most every meeting throughout the county - and not just Republican events. Even with her busy schedule she's been there when we needed her."
Chairman's Award: Judy Mulligan received the award for her service as a multifaceted volunteer. "Judy is being recognized for volunteering at the headquarters almost daily, ensuring that the headquarters is a welcoming place for all our volunteers," Rendleman said. "She has also led the successful Lincoln Dinner committee for the El Paso County Republicans for the last three years and raised thousands of dollars for the Party - all accomplished with enthusiasm and dedication."
Each year, the Lincoln Dinner is the major fundraising gala for the El Paso County Republicans, which operates only on locally raised funds. According to local GOP chairman Kay Rendleman, the event is named after the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, symbolizing the message of freedom that he provided to the nation during his presidency.
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