He will turn the key on his new home on Saturday, June 25th at 11:00. 12360 North Conestoga Terrace, Black Forest, CO 800106. Thanks to all who helped with the home. And thanks to Bob & Chris at ProTeam Roofing for helping and passing along the story. Richard
Army Sergeant Jeffrey Adams lost both of his legs due to injuries suffered while deployed to Afghanistan in August 2009. While on his second deployment, SGT Adams was returning to base from the Pesh River Valley when the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicle he was riding in ran over a pressure plated IED. Pulled from the damaged vehicle, SGT Adams has no recollection of what happened prior to or after the blast. Transported to the hospital in Bagram, Surgeons amputated his right leg before airlifting him to Landstuhl, Germany and finally to Walter Reed where his left leg was amputated as well. SGT Adams remains at Walter Reed where he continues receiving therapies and treatment at this time.
SGT Adams loves hockey and having grown up in Flint, MI is a dedicated Detroit Red Wings fan. His daughter, Jewel is currently living with Jeff’s mother while they await his release from Walter Reed and prepare to live in Colorado.
SGT Adams is looking forward to marrying his fiancé and beginning a new life in a home that will allow him the freedom and independence he fought to preserve for our country. He says he is looking forward to being able to get around a home more easily as there are challenges now when he visits his home where his wheelchair does not fit into the bathroom. SGT Adams would like to thank everyone who will make his specially adapted home built by Homes for Our Troops a reality... saying it means more to him than words can say.
America has been at war since 2001. During that time, two million of our nation's sons and daughters have answered the call of duty. Over 5,000 of these brave men and women have been killed. Over 40,000 have suffered physical injuries. Of those 40,000, some have paid a terrible price, suffering injuries so severe that they must rely on others for care, losing much of their independence. These severely injured veterans have a desperate need for specially adapted homes that will help restore the independence they have lost.
Homes for Our Troops has launched the 100 More…...Homes for Our Troops campaign. In the last seven years, Homes for Our Troops has committed to giving back freedom and independence to 100 military families. This committment is set to be fulfilled in 2011 and we are looking toward the future; to 100 more and beyond. As the number of eligible applicants continues to grow, we estimate that there are between 1,000 to 1,500 OIF/OEF veterans among us that have injuries so severe that they are in need of an adapted home. With America's support, Homes for Our Troops can "give back" freedom and independence to them through a gift of a specially adapted home.
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