I will join Jeff Crank to speak at this A.F.P. Rally.
Colorado Springs
Date: Thursday, August 25th
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: KVOR studios parking lot just west of I-25 on Woodmen Road, Colorado Springs
Don't Just Get Angry, Get Active!
Why is the American economy in the dumper? We don’t have time here to list all the reasons.
But one obvious anchor on any economy, and on the American economy especially, is rising energy costs. Like it or not – and some Americans do not – the fact is that there’s a strong correlation between economic productivity and energy consumption, and higher energy prices mean that virtually everything we do or buy costs more. That reduces consumption, fuels inflation, eliminates profit margins, kills businesses (and jobs)and means Americans are paying more just to run in place.
No wonder the economy is sputtering.
As angry as Americans are about rising energy costs, many don’t always know where to direct their ire, because they don't always connect the dots between regulatory causes and market effects. Some are quick to blame “greedy” oil companies; others blame Arab oil barons; still others say that we high-living consumers are to blame for leading extravagant, wasteful, environmentally-incorrect lifestyles. But perhaps the greatest driver of rising energy bills are the excessive regulatory burdens and anti-energy policies that originate in Washington. And no administration in recent memory has done more to help drive up energy cost than this one has.
Since President Obama took office, gas prices have nearly doubled, despite the fact that America has enormous domestic supplies of oil, which politicians and radical environmentalists have declared off-limits to development. All we need is the political will to responsibly tap these resources and prices will come down.
It’s no longer good enough just getting angry about higher energy prices. Americans need to get active if they want Washington to get serious about slashing the red tape that's creating energy scarcity in a land naturally blessed with energy bounty. And the perfect opportunity to do so comes later this month, on Sept 24, 25 and 26, when AFP’s Running on Empty tour rolls into Colorado.
These events will include local and national speakers and a chance to send President Obama your gas bill! You'll learn more about what the administration could be doing to make it easier on you and your family. You can share your stories about how higher energy prices are impacting your lives. And together we'll send a clear message to Washington that America must develop more of her domestic energy sources!
Please join us at one of the Running on Empty tour rallies below:
Date: Wednesday, August 24th
Time: 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Location: Lincoln Park, Gazebo, Corner of 10th Avenue and 7th Street, Greely, CO
Ft. Collins
Date: Wednesday, August 24th
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Civic Center Park
225 LaPorte Avenue
Ft Collins, CO
Date: Wednesday, August 24th
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Boulder County Fairgrounds Picnic Shelters
Corner of Hover and Nelson
Longmont, CO
Highlands Ranch
Date: Thursday, August 25th
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Falcon Park – Picnic Shelters, 9555 Fallbroke Drive
(University and Quebec, closest major cross streets)
Highlands Ranch, CO
Date: Friday, August 26th
Time: TBD
Location: CO State Fairgrounds,
1001 Beulah Avenue
Pueblo, CO
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