I WILL be there. Please join me. I WILL be there because we owe them our freedoms, our way of living, everything. It is NOT an exaggeration to say they saved the world.
all the best
Richard Randall
The Legacy Medallion Ceremony is this Saturday at 6pm at Cheyenne Mountain Resort. You won't find this many WWII heroes under one roof again. This will be the last big ceremony for many of these veterans. We have 6 POW'S, Pearl Harbor Survivor Bill Browning, 82nd Airborne Mayor Duke Boswell D-Day survivor, Jim Fore another POW held in one of Hitler's concentration camps and many more with unbelievable stories. Ex-POW Chuck Blaney just had open heart surgery, out of the hospital for less then a month will not miss this ceremony. He is going to get this medal he says. Harvey Visnaw is still in the hospital as we speak but said he will be at the ceremony even if he has to come in a wheel chair.
WWII Legacy Medallion Ceremony presented to our Greatest Generation of War Heroes
Saturday, October 23rd
Cheyenne Mountain Resort
Jane Rodgers and the NCOA Jerry Zoebisch are presenting a ceremony for WWII veterans as a belated recognition of their service. Paying guests are still welcome by emailing at janerodgers2@msn.com or calling Jerry Z. at 719-287-5654. She will email a form for their meal which they can send in with $30.
[Another smaller ceremony for those who missed this one will be held at Liberty Heights on Nov.11th.] The special guest on October 23rd will be NORAD Admiral James Winnefeld , wife Mary and family.
The Air Academy Chapter of the Non Commissioned Officers Association is the sponsor of the event. The event is a banquet in a very nice setting. The NCOA picks up the meal charge for all of the veterans being honored as well as any person supporting the event with a role in the ceremonies. Many of the veterans will have family members or friends who will present them with their medallions. However ,some are widowers or otherwise single veterans who do not have someone to make the presentation. In those instances, we use uniformed active duty personnel, Junior ROTC , WWII re-enactors [who will be there at the front door welcoming our veterans] to make the presentations. We also will have these WWII re-enactors with WWII jeeps at the front entrance to welcome our heroes. The Admiral will be in uniform and will present a medallion or two as part of the overall presentation ceremony. It is going to be a real treat for some of these old soldiers, sailors or marines to receive their medallions from a Flag Officer. Wouldn't it be great to have the Cheyenne Mountain Resort overflowing with people who want to honor and recognize these great Americans?
As of 10-17-10 we have 56 WWII vets and 200 paid guests coming to watch these wonderful WWII vets receive this Medallion.
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