CITIZEN SOLDIER CONNECTION recieved one dollar of each of the VIP tickets from Newsapalooza 2010. Contact them at http://www.citizensoldierconnection.org/
Their Mission
The Citizen Soldier Connection (CSC) connects Ft. Carson soldiers and their families with volunteer citizens in the community for the purpose of providing a local support network for soldiers and their families, and by doing so, enhance and enrich the quality of life for military personnel, their families, and involved citizens.
Their Purpose
Military life is not easy. Soldiers and their families find themselves stationed far from the support of family and friends. During especially difficult times, receiving friendship and support from a caring local citizen can make a big difference to those serving our country.
Their purpose is to meet the soldier's need for support, by "connecting" them with citizens right here in the community. This "connection" provides soldiers with a friend, a mentor and positive off-duty interactions. Some "connections" may develop into lasting friendships.
How To Get Connected
Complete and submit the soldier/citizen sign-up form on their website. You will recieve an e-mail confirmation after form has been successfully submitted. CSC will then select a suitable "connection" (please be patient, this may take some time). Each soldier/military familiy and citizen will receive their "connection" contact information. Contact should be made as soon as possible. A handbook will also be provided to explain guidelines and expectations of program. Throughout the year, CSC hosts events to enhance your "connection" while enjoying a fun, social environment. Soldiers and military families and citizens are encouraged to attend.
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